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Monday, October 25, 2010

♥ this isnt a goodbye

aku takut sangat semuanya akan berakhir dsini. because i suka dy sgt2. ak cinta dya!. dy slalu ckp semua exgf dy x macam i. ok i got it..they are perfect but im not. im not perfect. my life never perfect. my family. my friends. my life. damn its so hard. i wish someone will understand my feeling. just for once i would like people to understand my situation. i want to be happy. i want to hav a good life. kenapa ya allah. bnyak sangat dugaan yg engkau bagi? kenapa tak fair. adakah semua ini ada hikmah dsbaliknya? ak tahu ak slaluu ngikut kehendak sendiri. but ak fikir it will be for good to anyone and everyone. idk what had got into me. sometimes i felt like im the happiest person in the world. then benda laen jadi. tiap2 hari menangis. idk why. imiss my life. my life wen i was back in malaysia at the very beginning of the year. my life was perfect. im kind of happy. because mum is diff. and plus idk alot bout social stuff kat sini. what happen to my great place that i was born? everything turned upside down. then ak buat semua 2. i make myself feel cheap. i should change my life back where i belong. where im from. help me god. guide me to the goods.

12:13 AM